Company Safety Policy
Western Electrical Management is committed to the promotion and maintenance of the physical, psychological and social wellbeing of our workers. Western is also committed to the protection from accidental loss of all its resources, including employees and physical assets.
In fulfilling this commitment to protect both people and property, Western strives to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with industry standards and in compliance with legislative requirements and will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in accidents, personal injury/illness or property damage.
This will be accomplished by all workers on all sites with support of management and designated support safety officers and through ongoing review of the program by the company and annual audit. Safe work practices and procedures will be clearly defined in the safety manual, as well as on-going updates sent out by the safety officers.
Return to Work Program
On every jobsite and office environment the primary goal is to provide a safe place to work.
Accidental loss can be controlled through good management in combination with active employee involvement. Safety is the direct responsibility of all managers, supervisors and employees. Despite necessary precautions, injuries still occur on construction sites.
In the event of injury, Western has a progressive step by step program in place to assist all workers in their return to full duties and will ensure we work with employees to provide the necessary tools and programs to return to regular duties.
Environmental Policy
Western Electrical Management has a standardized and strict policy in place to ensure the highest level of care for the environment is taken on all projects.
This policy outlines the requirements to be taken by all workers and management to ensure all potential risks to the environment are mitigated. In the event of an accident or spill, Western has the policies and procedures in place to take corrective action. Western’s policies also outlined strict procedures for recycling at every level from jobsites to the offices.
Learn more about Western Electrical
The employees at Western Electrical are an amazing group of skilled professionals who are approachable, friendly and easy-to-work with. We take pride in our people, our business partners and our community.
Learn more about the Western Electrical team